Streamlined Progression Guide


Nov 17, 2018
Mirage Cliff
▪Stuffs covered▪
Monster Drops
How to get meso
How not to get scammed
Familiars and how to get them
How to cube your items and droprate guide.
Monster Collection
Character Slots
End-game gears & costs
Some useful universal drops are
Maple Leaves
Spell Traces
Monster Park Tickets
Old Maple Coins
New Maple Coins
Red Cubes
Nodestones - Applicable only to Arcane Force Maps
If you're looking for a specific item, you can use the @drops command in game to find out which specific mob drops it!
@ea < debugs you. Used only when you cannot enter a portal or speak to an NPC
@towns < allows you to teleport out to major towns
@check < displays the current server time, how much longer until the daily reset, how much DropRate% and Meso% you have and lots of other stuff
@event < only applicable when there is an auto-event/GM Event. Cc to the channel stated and use @event to join in!
•Universal NPC in Quickmove•

Important functions include "purchase VP items" to spend your vote points, and
"make item Tradable" (10m meso and a Platinum Scissor of Karma) for trading normally untradable equiments.

•Belle in Free Market•

Her function revolves around exchanging maple leaves.
You can trade leaves for good starter equiments or for EXP to level up.

•Special Shop in Free Market•

This is where you spend your Maple coins that drop universally from mobs.
- Normal shop deals coins from normal channels (1-10)
- Elite shop deals coins from elite channels (11-15)
It's an inconvenient truth that Monster Park (MP) farming makes the most meso/hr. While I dislike doing MP as much as the guy next to you, there's no denying that farming MP gives you the fastest progress in AriesMS. Therefore, it is recommended that you start MP farming as soon as possible. However, you might not find enjoyment in progressing with such an unbearable farming method. If you hate farming MP like most of the sane players, there is a multitude of ways to earn money in the Meso Guide below, just nowhere near as fast as Monster Park.
A failsafe and linear way to rapidly progress would be to:
Reach level 200 > Earn some starting Meso > Build range & DropRate% >
5th job advance > Do arcane prequest (VJ) > Monster Park > Buy/make Gears

*You may replace MP for any other meso-making method you find more bearable.
*There will be a video in the future where a character starts from 0 and sells kishin service, then affords for gear for MP.

•John Treasure Rings•

They are pottable, scrollable and free. You can equip 4 of this special ring at the same time. Simply do the 20 minute Questline as guided here:
Repeat it on 3 more characters for a total of 4 rings.
Cube these rings for DropRate% and use up their slots to star them to 12*.
This saves you from having to buy costly different rings like Scarlet, Silverblossom or Tempest.
•Alien Fragment Accessories•

These accessories from AlienPQ have a good 3 set Bonus of +50 att/m.att
You can cube some of them later on for DropRate%

Despite being called PQ, it is a solo quest that involves killing monsters for 5 minutes. To do AlienPQ you need 100k range.
Go to Quickmove -> Dimension Mirror -> Scroll to 3rd page -> Click Satellite icon.

•Onyx Maple Gear•

- Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Gum Accessory, Cape, Pendant.
This beginner-friendly set can be made with maple leaves and a tiny amount of meso.
- Talk to Belle the FM NPC and choose "exchange for level 30 Pearl equipments" to get the Pearl Equiment.
- Then upgrade it to Onyx with the option of "exchange for level 100 Onyx equiments".
5 pieces of this set gives 9% Damage and 40 att/m.att
Cube armor for 15%+ of your mainstats and some %ATT on the weapon
It only costs 5k Maple Leaves and 5mil meso to make an Onyx Maple piece. (Except secondary weapon which needs 30k leaves 100m meso, prioritize it later)

•Ghost Ship Exorcist & Krexel Pauldron•

Ghost Ship Exorcist Badge is the best badge you can get ingame and can be scrolled + cubed for range. Krexel is a decent and free shoulder accessory.
- Click here for a video guide of Krexel questline
- Click here for a video guide of Ghost Ship questline
Equipments mentioned here are free from quests or require minimal spending.
Those accessible equipments will make up a majority of starting gears when you aim to get easy range and DropRate%.

Guide to Meso
Vote Point available from voting goes for 50m per VP.
You can go to quickmove and exchange VP to whatever the buyer wants.
Reward Point can be accumulated at 2500 to buy Violet Cube which goes for 1,5b
*There is a daily limit of 1600 Reward Point earned from bossing
3 Vote points (VP) that you get daily sell for 150m.
VP helps you start off and can be exchanged for utilities like EXP and Drop rate coupons. The universal NPC lets you know what VP offers.
Reward point (RP) can be farmed on easy bosses across multiple characters on the same account, mainly to buy Violet Cubes or Extra Pendant Slot.
Some classes have useful buffs or summons that people gladly pay for.
All you have to do is press the skill periodically and get paid after an hour.
- Kanna only needs to be level 67 minimum to max out kishin and sell it.
- Bishop/Phantom also needs level 67 minimum to max out HS and sell it.
- Pink Bean needs level 60 to unlock Everybody's Happy. However the buff needs to monitored for cooldown with the buyer so it's not as AFK.
- Beast Tamer needs to be at least level 115 for Arby's Friend EXP aura.
Quite literally sell your body for money, no range needed!
- 500m/hr for Kishin spawn boost service
- 400m/hr for Holy Symbol EXP (HS) service
- 600m/hr for Pink Bean service (req. attention)
- 300m/hr for Beast Tamer (BT) service (purely AFK)
The stamp awarded in your giftbox at lvl 190 is a valuable source of meso when starting out. It adds 1 more line to bonus potential and can be sold for 2b.
(Smega S>Bpot stamp or put it in Auction house)
You can repeat levelling and harvesting stamps on as many characters as you want.
Return later to the now high levelled characters to harvest their Ghost Ship Exorcist Badges
Earn 2b by selling the reward you get for reaching lvl 190.
Find the unfunded section of this levelling guide:
After you have gotten the hang of self-levelling 1-190, you should start streamlining this process.
By picking classes with innate EXP buffs, you can reach lvl 190 and milk their stamps faster.
Classes with EXP advantage include: Kanna, Bishop, Phantom (HS stolen).
*Sometimes Kanna even gets offered free leech to 200 in return for kishin service.

After you have levelled 2 or 3 characters to level 190, you can do the Ghost Ship Exorcist (GSE) Questline on them. The quest is once per character and you can repeat it across different chars.
(you can actually start it as early as level 160)
GSE is a best-in-slot badge that can be sold to others players for 800m or equipped for yourself. It is recommended that you keep one for yourself and sell spares.
Gollux Questline is accessible to beginners at little to no damage requirement.
Scroll down to the Gollux section of this boss prequest guide:
It is recommended that you do this on a Kanna with Kishin to speed up the mob count part of the quest. After you are done with Gollux prequest, find a leech on smega that says R>Hellux Leech for fame. It will take 3 minutes to leech and you can fame the leecher afterwards. Doing Hellux runs will give 25 to 30 coins that can be used to buy incredibly valuable Gollux items.
*Gollux runs are account bound, meaning that you can't leech or kill Gollux multiple times on the same account. However you can make another account and do prequest again for x2 Gollux leech daily.
You are guaranteed 10b after 5 days of Hellux leeching by selling Superior Gollux Ring/Earring from the Gollux shop. This huge amount of meso is more important for starters than having a piece of Gollux accessory. You can get the Gollux items back on another account/character, so fret not about selling the one-time shop purchase. If you exhaust all the notable Gollux accessories in the shop, buy Advanced Gollux Scroll (AGS) - 30 coins which goes for 500m.

This specific scroll is used for scrolling Dex Android Heart, and it can fetch a good amount because it gives more Dex than 10% Gun/Bow/Xbow scrolls.
You need a petvac, 200k range and 600% drop rate to maximize scroll drops.
Good maps for farming this scroll are:
Rocky Masks: 42 mobs per map
(Quickmove -> Ship Icon -> Excavation Site: Relic Excavation Camp -> Left portal)
Not to be confused with Twillight Perion Rocky Mask.

Pandas: 50 mobs per map
<very wide map and also drops Chaos 60% which sells for 10m each>
(Quick move -> Taxi -> Mulung -> Find Wild Bear Area 3 on Worldmap)

•Master Robos: 38 mobs per map
(Quick move -> Taxi -> Ludibrium-> Find Toy Factory <Process 2> Zone 2
on Worldmap - Left side of clocktower)
4b/hr with 600% drop, each scroll sells for 200m, you can get 15+ of them in an hour along with NX + Maple Coins.
No range is needed if you pick Normal Channels. Even then only 200k range is needed in Elite Channels.
These scrolls become expensive when people need to scroll their Heart. It is recommended that you farm these scrolls at Rocky Mask, Panda and Master Robo.

Look for smega that says R> FPQ (Recruiting FPQ) or you can smega yourself: J>FPQ (Joining FPQ).

Take note that for FPQ's, you have to be within +/-20 levels of the leader who will always be level 200+. FPQ is a great way to earn mesos when you're new, or can't stand Monster Park.
FPQ yields 3b/hr and yet it doesn't rely on high damage! Do look into it:
Get your first couple of bils to prepare for the dreaded Monster Park by selling Innocent Scrolls 40% from the PQ shop.
Monster Park holds a lot of high-demand items
(Super Scroll, Starforce Box, Miraculous Chaos Scrolls, Shield Scrolls) which can be used to upgrade your own gears or sold to other players.
You need 600% drop rate and 700k range along with a PetVac to do Vanishing Monster Park (most meso/hr ingame)
If you have only 700k range and want to skip Vanishing Journey Prequest just for the MP unlock, it's recommended that you buy a VJ prequest leech so it doesn't take you 3 hours to complete. You will make back the money paid to VJ leech in an hour of MP farming so there's nothing to lose.
Alternatively, 200k range is needed for Stronghold Monster Park which is easy for newbies but gives way less coins.
7b/hr with Monster Park. The big meso-maker.
Whether you hate Monster Park with a passion or just stomach it for the time being, MP is the most profitable farming method.
You should get the DropRate, range and prequests for it as soon as possible.
All mobs drop Old/New Maple Coins and NX.
Old Maple Coins drop from all mobs in normal channels (1-10) and can buy:

New Maple Coins drop from mobs in elite channels (11-15) and can buy:

Pick a map with high mob density and within your one-shot range.
In Elite channels, you get more NX per mob and a better type of maple coins but it also requires more range.
Good maps can be Alien Corridor, Ant Tunnel Square 2, Spiderwolf Cavern or AquaRoad Ship Grave.
All classes can farm mobs but some exceptionally good map controllers are Mechanic, Evan and Angelic Buster.
2b/hr from selling NX and exchanging coins for red/bpot cubes. This oldschool method of farming (coupled with PetVac) can earn you maple coins which you can spend at FM NPC for cubes and bonus potential cubes. The NX can be sold directly to other players with command @offernx. Not the most lucrative but not bad for starting out.
This questline in Ninja Castle will give you a 3-line Bonus Potential scroll which easily can sell for 3b.
The hard part is waiting for the area boss (Kachuu Musha) to spawn. You can cycle through channels 1-15 to find it.
*Menu -> change channel in char select if you tend to DC while cc-ing.
It is recommended that you do the questline up until the boss part then check the map periodically for the boss.
A video guide for the Maze and Quests by Hahjinchoi (HealYou)
Good luck hunting this boss.
4b for the special scroll if you find the boss. This is a sneaky and powerful meso headstart that hinges on securing an area boss. It only requires 100k range and about 20 minutes for you to finish the questline and hunt for the highly sought-out boss.
This exhaustive meso guide in the spoiler contains different ways to earn meso for both starting out and further progressing.
The top 3 most wanted familiars in Aries are
Mutant Ribbon Pig (Future Hene)
Big Spider (Edelstein mine)
False Damiyo (Ninja castle Questline)
They are the top 3 most wanted familiars as they double your current drop rate %
so basically if you have 300% drop rate, it would become 600% (which is the max for Aries)
You will want 600% drop rate as progressing and end-game content revolves around bosses dropping you items, as well as your Arcane Dailies.
It is recommended that you buy 1 Pig familiar from Auction House if you have 0 familiar as it's the most affordable and will help you find more copies of any other familiar with its x2 boost.
What are the odds that someone have a specific guide for 100* stars?
Obviously 100% and here it is:
Follow the 100* star guide but it's easier now that you have 4x Star-able John Treasure Rings (12* ea) to help you get 48*. You can read about 5th job details here:
Red cubes are for Main Potential and are used to to legendary tier along with some early game % lines. (Think 18% to 21% stats)
Premium Miracle cubes increase the number of line lines of your main potential (i.e 2 line to 3line, only works if the potential is below Legendary)
Bonus potential cubes do not increase lines, and the only way you can add lines to your bonus potential is through Bonus potential stamps.
You get a 100% bonus potential stamp at 190.
You can also purchase Silver (60% chance of passing) and Gold (80% chance of passing) bonus potential stamps from the FPQ points shop.
Violet cubes work on main potential, giving you 6 maxed out (prime) lines of random stats of which you can choose 3. This is the cube you will want to be using on your main items when you want to properly cube. (It can get up to 36%/39% of the same stats)
For your weapon, Emblem and Secondary, the priority of lines should be
For DropRate% (DR) you need to cube 10 potential lines of 20% DR for 200%.
Your base 100% + 200% from 10 lines = 300%, x2 by Familiars for the ideal 600%
Keep in mind you have 4 Free John Treasure Rings to help with DR.
Generally, you want to cube a set of DropRate% gears with red cubes and separate them from your main gears. When starting out, you will use red cubes on main potential, and later in the game, roll them with the superior Violet cubes. You may work on bonus potential when you are more funded.
Monster Collection is a nice way to earn some RP and spell traces while afk/offline.
When you first start out in AriesMS, you are only given 4 character slots.
You can purchase character slots (up to a maximum of 21) from the Cash Shop.
Question: So where does the extra 9 character slots come from?
Answer: From seasonal events like Halloween, Christmas, Aries Anniversary Event.
In order to fully unlock your legion board, you need to have a cumulative level of 6000 across your entire account.
So, 6000 / 30 = 200 lvl per character (which is easy to get with leech service)
*The maximum slot you can get with event + cash shop is 30.
Character slots beyond 30 are from Elite Boss Reward or Paragon Shop.
The main reason you will want more characters has to do with your legion board. Legion gives you valuable stats bonus and utilities like EXP%.
Hene does a great job explaining what is legion and why you should do it.
Most notably, high legion tier gives %EXP, Boss damage and Crit damage.
Recommend to read through if unsure. by Hene
Best-in-slots are what you want to equip for endgame as there is no better option for that slot. This list of equipment points you toward the best items so you don't waste time upgrading mediocre ones.
On non-weapon equipments that have base att/m.att, people opt to use Mchaos.
Miraculous Chaos scroll (Mchaos) has a range of -11 to +9 on any existing stats.
Generally, the ratio is 1 att/m.att = 2,5 mainstats
So if you get +4 att on an mchaos you already outdo a Superscroll +9 mainstats (non-weapon Super Scroll has the equivalent of 9 / 2,5 = 3.6 att)
Imagine if you got +9 att from 1 Mchaos, that is more than double Super Scroll!
Base att/matt items can be mchaosed for 2 to 3 times before Super Scrolling.
If you get minus stats or low stats (like +3 att and below). You have to reset the equipments with costly Innocent Scrolls.
Examples of decent Mchaos are:
For 2 slots: Aim for 14+ attack and not too much minus on mainstats/some plus (i.e 2 slot +15att +8 luk if you are a Luk class)
For 3 slots aim for 18+ attack and the same thing.
Just Super Scroll after the good Mchaos lands. Dont use Chaos of Goodness (cog) since cogs sometimes give +0 as its range is +(0 to 4). Why gamble with cogs when super scroll gives +3.6 att guaranteed.
For non-att items base like sweet water monocle/tattoo:
Use gollux occult scroll +1 att base then repeat mchaos process like above. Or just super scroll all the way (recommended)
Rule of thumb: 1 att = 2,5 mainstats. Mchaos is an expensive scrolling method (requires a lot of Innocent Scrolls) that lets players gain extra att/m.att on armor, accessory, badge. It is stronger than Super Scroll if you get lucky. You are still recomended to use super scroll when starting out since it is safe and cheaper than Mchaos.
This is how much you will be spending once you know how to progress. Keep in mind this is a very rough estimation and costs will skyrocket in the future.
This meso cost estimation is not to scare you with expensive endgame spendings but to give a general goalpost for 75k stats.

Where to seek help?
Either drop a comment down below, or come into the Aries official Discord to ask for help.
Good luck, and have fun everyone!
Rend (MP Guide)
Hene (FPQ Guide and Legion Guide)
Poro (Monster Collection Guide)
Song (Best-in-Slot)
Spyro/Eki (Boss Prequest Guide)
Jermodia (100* Starforce Guide)
Vivi (Levelling Guide)
Kyo (4 free rings you can cube for drop-gear)
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