Red Cube supply.

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New member
Nov 12, 2018
I have seen recently a lot of players wanting to buy red cubes and very few people selling, to the point where a single player might wait an hour to find a seller. My suggestion is on making them a bit easier to get, i know they already are, but taking a look at the options:

Old Maple Coins - After a while, players stop farming them and go for MP boxes, they are more profitable and faster to get.
Monster Park Coins - The price is a bit unrealistic, 600 for 1 stack, which is 110m at moment, while 800 coins gives u a box worth 320m
Monster Drops - It takes long and usually is done while farming for Old or New coins, which also gets stopped after a while.

My suggestion would be reducing it's price on coins or make another way of adquiring them, as of now, too much people rather have the money to buy them thanks to better farming spots, them to actually farm them
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Active member
Jul 19, 2018
-1, because have those reason:
1. Red cube at here is not hard getting, red cube can get from all mob drop, elite monster, monster park shop, PQ shop, Old/New Maple coin shop
2. Red cube from Old/New Maple coin shop is not need many coin for exchange, if reduce, i think getting is too easy.
3. Red cube from monster park can type 100+ number for exchange since v183, why need add a stack for exchange.
4. Monster park coin can using drop gear/drop coupon from vp to 600%, coin is not hard get.

but i think have another suggestion, setting this can sell to Auction house.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2018
in your heart
If you understand that red cubes are already easy to get, then there is no reason to make them easier to get.

The only issue is with Monster Park being too lucrative that other farming methods are lackluster in comparison. Why should the rates of one commodity be altered to solve the problem of another farming method being too OP? If they were to change the rates for Old Maple Coins/ Red Cubes as universal drop, wouldn't that only proceed to raise questions for the change in rates of other universal items such as New Maple Coins and Nodestones?

Again, red cubes are not difficult to farm, but people opt for the more lucrative method and refuse to resort to farming red cubes and losing out hourly income. You can always use your income from MP to pay more for red cube stacks. As you've calculated on your post above based on conversion from MP coin rates, buying red cube stacks with more mesos doesn't hurt.

The rates of one commodity should not be changed just because people are reluctant to farm for them. You'll only form a spiraling response of having to modify the rates of every other drops to match up to each other, which is unrealistic.

Prices of every item are connected and cannot be isolated or considered as a single system per item. By interfering with one item, and the possibility of cries calling for the interference of others, prices for other commodity will alter themselves accordingly, for better or for worse.
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Oct 20, 2018
Seems like the real issue is people getting too used to buying red cubes from botters. Go farm them yourself, red cubes are so easy to farm as mentioned above.


Jul 19, 2018
Agree. The key question before suggesting such is: WHY RED CUBES?

If you understand that red cubes are already easy to get, then there is no reason to make them easier to get.

The only issue is with Monster Park being too lucrative that other farming methods are lackluster in comparison. Why should the rates of one commodity be altered to solve the problem of another farming method being too OP? If they were to change the rates for Old Maple Coins/ Red Cubes as universal drop, wouldn't that only proceed to raise questions for the change in rates of other universal items such as New Maple Coins and Nodestones?

Again, red cubes are not difficult to farm, but people opt for the more lucrative method and refuse to resort to farming red cubes and losing out hourly income. You can always use your income from MP to pay more for red cube stacks. As you've calculated on your post above based on conversion from MP coin rates, buying red cube stacks with more mesos doesn't hurt.

The rates of one commodity should not be changed just because people are reluctant to farm for them. You'll only form a spiraling response of having to modify the rates of every other drops to match up to each other, which is unrealistic.

Prices of every item are connected and cannot be isolated or considered as a single system per item. By interfering with one item, and the possibility of cries calling for the interference of others, prices for other commodity will alter themselves accordingly, for better or for worse.


New member
Nov 12, 2018
But this is the problem i see, everyone thinks the same, simply farm MP boxes and buy red cubes for a bit more money, everyone doing this, no one ends up really farming the cubes, the prices increase (it was 70m before, we are almost getting at the double), new players ends up paying more for them, and no one in the end has enough cubes to sell to supply the demand, i have seen players using megaphones for hours trying to buy red cubes, and when something that should be one of the simplest things in the server, for both newbies and end game players seems to get scarce, there seems to be a problem, whether the problem is with the players, it still becomes one.

The reason i talked about red cubes is because as said, it should be a relatively abundant item, newplayers use it to get their drop% and start MPing and End Game players to get their 3 lines. Other cubes such as bonus potential cubes and other items are meant to be harder. New players will of course farm maple coins, but everyone gets to the point of MP farming and forget about the other coins.

As Tabatha mentioned, the main problem seems to be MP being too OP, but it's been made clear on the suggestion rules that MP should not be suggested to be changed at anything, therefore it will continue the way it is, which with time might make the prices increase even more. I wouldn't be surprised if soon cubes price doubled once again and ended up matching the price spent if they were bought on MP (600 coins ~ 240m), if the price increased and matched like that, people would start farming and selling more, yes, but from 70m to such higher prices, how would that affect other prices and so on?

Also, the matter of farming for the cubes takes us back to the profiting part, many players would rather farm Elite coins, as the spots usually also provide NX, and again, get the money for the red cubes while farming bonus potential cubes and NX in the process. It should get easier for end game players to have access to common items such as Red cubes, and also as mentioned on other threads (such as the farming suggestion one) , it would just make so that newbies would have a huge access to yet another very profitable farm, while, with time, ending up competing with end game players on farming such a common item. This not only messes up more the market, as it removes a bit the gratification of becoming an End Game player.

I know it's a delicate matter, but it still seems like a problem, common items prices rising always end up affecting other items later on.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2018
in your heart
Prices of items have always moved in tandem with each other. Noting that prices are high throughout the list of commodities, as long as you are a player, you will not lose. People are raking in the income from sky high price of MP boxes, and as a result they have higher purchasing power for other items. The price of items cannot determined solely by sellers, but buyers alike. People are willing to pay, so why not you?

Naturally, new players are also part of the economy. New players do not just buy, but they sell too. Looking at it from a broader perspectives, even though flat values are high, in terms of proportion relative to other items, it is not.

I don't believe in external interference for market prices because there is always a big question mark on how much interference should be made - what is appropriate and what is an overkill? And who will be the one to decide the parameters?


New member
Nov 12, 2018
It is not about willing to pay, i'm an MP farmer, i can afford quite a few stacks, but the matter is the lack of selles, and the amount of buyers, sure i can pay 100m with no problem, but when one seller appears and get 5 or 6 different people wanting to buy, things get complicated. The very few sellers might get greedy and increase the price, such as happens with MP boxes getting higher and higher. The competition for red cubes might surpass the bonus potential cubes, and even though the purchasing items might stay the same, as other prices increase accordingly as you stated, it ends up becoming somewhat of an inflation, it is not healthy for a server.

And thinking as players think, farming MP is much faster and profitable than farming cubes, people wouldn't farm it just to help the community, if they did farm, they would do so for themselves, and the market for red cubes could start decreasing, or as rare selles, they would keep increasing the price and we would be on a never ending streak of rising prices.

I think some small interference should always be taken into consideration (not specifically in this case), inflation on prices is always something that should be avoided if possible, it's not really something fun or good when you start paying unrealistic prices for items. Even though the player keeps his purchasing power, it's never cool when (hypothetically) all the prices of everything increases by another digit.
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